Grammar Mistakes That Are Commonly Made In English

Most of us have made a few spelling mistakes while writing English and you might be wondering what other common grammar mistakes are there. Most of us have used the word "of" at least once in our essays, business letters or personal letters. We also might have used it at least once in a sentence structure that did not make sense. The problem with these is that "of" can be confused with the words "itself" and "one."

common grammar mistakes


o They are not pronouns, as the majority of us write them. Many people believe that they are, and therefore, write them that way. They are not; pronouns are proper nouns, but we usually write them as subject nouns. This means that many people are not aware that they are grammatically incorrect. The correct version of "he is here" would be "He is he is here" instead of "He is here in the house."


o Commas often cause quite common grammar mistakes. Commas are used to separate items that are thought to be one by putting a space between them. When using commas in a sentence, it is essential to ensure that you leave a space between the first and second word of a sentence. The spaces that are between the words should be equal in size so that the meaning of the sentence can be understood clearly.

Grammar Mistakes That Are Commonly Made In English


o Inconsistent punctuation is another one of those common grammar mistakes. People don't read anything that is written in footnotes or citations. If you have citations, it means that you have cited something. Footnotes are places in the text that are usually written in parenthesis, which is then followed by the citation of the source or sources. It is very easy to confuse the two and as a result people make many mistakes with their footnotes.


o Question words such as "who", "what", "when", "where", and "why" should never be included in a sentence. These words have no grammatical use and they usually give the listener too much information. One example of this is when someone is asking you a question and asks where you were last night. You can answer the question without the word "who" but the rest of the sentence is not negotiable. Another example of these common grammar mistakes is when the speaker mentions the weather. The weather does not refer to the present weather condition but it refers to the weather conditions in the time frame of the talk.


o Using incorrect punctuation marks is another one of the common grammar mistakes. There are a lot of different punctuation marks that should not be included in a sentence. The most common of these is the question mark (, ) and periods (.). If you include these punctuation marks in your sentence you will lose a lot of respect from the listener. There are also other kinds of punctuation marks such as the question mark (, this is a question) and comma (, ) and semi-colon (;). Correct these types of grammar errors and you will be well on your way to being understood.


o Using the wrong vocabulary is another one of the common grammar mistakes people make. There is no need for a vocabulary larger than the one you require. A good tip is to choose a vocabulary that matches what is commonly used in the language. For example a list of common phrases that are used in the English language would not be complete without the word "book". Similarly, you should choose words that match the type of conversation you are having. For example you would not say "I want to" instead, you should say "I am".


o Plural agreement is another of the common grammar mistakes people make. This mistake can lead to all sorts of grammatical snags. For example, if you are writing an essay and you choose the wrong gender to singular your subject then it will create problems when you write the essay. Another common grammar mistake is writing singular subject pronouns such as I, me, we etc. which is incorrect.

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